Hello Friends,
Many times we face the problem while saving important data to database.This problem can be solve by converting it to encrypted Hash.The program is given below check it out ....
public string Encrypt(string inp)
MD5CryptoServiceProvider hasher = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] tBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(inp);
byte[] hBytes = hasher.ComputeHash(tBytes);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int c = 0; c < hBytes.Length; c++)
sb.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", hBytes[c]);
return (sb.ToString());
This is works only for Encryption Decryption is not possible
Friday, October 24, 2008
Encrypting Password to store in Database in C#
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
Labels: c#, password Encryption
Monday, June 2, 2008
Operating Systems Market Share
An operating system is the software component of a computer system that is responsible for the management and coordination of activities and the sharing of the resources of the computer. The operating system (OS) acts as a host for application programs that are run on the machine.
some popular os are shown in graph below.
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Simple Client
/* this is simple client program in java connecting server with port no 8000 */
//regular import
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
public class client
Socket cli;
DataInputStream din;
DataOutputStream dos;
public void start()
cli=new Socket("",8000);
din=new DataInputStream(cli.getInputStream());
dos=new DataOutputStream(cli.getOutputStream());
dos.writeUTF("hello server...........");
String str=din.readUTF();
catch(Exception e)
public static void main(String args[])
client c;
c=new client();
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
Simple Server
/* This is simple server program in java running with port no 8000 */
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
public class server
ServerSocket ss;
Socket c;
DataInputStream din;
DataOutputStream dos;
public void start()
ss=new ServerSocket(8000);
din=new DataInputStream(c.getInputStream());
dos=new DataOutputStream(c.getOutputStream());
String str=din.readUTF();
dos.writeUTF("hello client........");
catch(Exception e)
public static void main(String args[])
server ser;
ser=new server();
Posted by Rohit Lagu 1 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
/*This program gives basic GUI design.*/
//some import statment for GUI & Handling event
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class gui extends JFrame implements ActionListener
JLabel msg;
JLabel no;
JTextField text;
JTextArea ta;
JButton b;
public gui(String title)
msg = new JLabel("");
no = new JLabel("Enter NO: ");
text = new JTextField("",10);
ta = new JTextArea(2,30);
b=new JButton("SUBMIT");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
//write code for after pressing Button
public static void main(String[] args)
JFrame a=new gui("gui");
Posted by Rohit Lagu 1 comments
Basic Engineering Website
The Wikipedia
Engineering is huge. To give a brief overview of areas that engineering covers can take up an entire Fast Track in itself thankfully, we don’t need to do that. The Wikipedia entries are more than comprehensive. the Engineering article, which is an overview of the entire discipline, as well as the engineering portal, which is a more in-depth look at the field and its many branches. What started out as independent branches of study are increasingly becoming strong in inter-disciplinary skill requirements. The portal will be useful in helping you keep up-to-date with the entire field while keeping you in touch with your branch of study as well.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Open Courseware (OCW) education program is a free and open online educational resource made Available by many universities around the world. One of the major contributors to this program is the world renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Through the OCW program, you get access to the teaching syllabus, lecture notes, and textbooks used in many of the courses taught at MIT.
Engineering Formulas
This is an online referencesite for engineers and engineering students who want a quick way to access a forgotten formula. It also contains quick reference information regarding many engineering topics. It is a paid site—about Rs 300 per month or for students about Rs 1,800 per year. Currently you also get a review period when you first eFunda—Formulas in a snap access the site, so you can go through the actual contents before deciding on whether you want to become a member or not.
Formula Sites’ Index
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Mathametics,trigonometry website
1 Webmath.com
Help is available in various categories, including the usual suspects—trigonometry, calculus, algebra, and so on. There are two ways to use the site—one is by browsing the tabs, and the other is by “Quick Jumping” to a topic of your choice.
2 Algebra Review in Ten Lessons
If you can’t follow what’s going on in class, or if you need assistance with a particular type of problem, browse through the chapters and you’re sure to find a lucid explanation. Story takes pains to explain each and every step of what’s going on, which cannot be said about many textbooks (or professors). Highly recommended if you want a serious understanding of basic, and
even not-so-basic algebra.
3 Dave’s Short Trig Course
After calculus, trigonometry is one of the toughest areas of highschool maths to master. “These notes are more of an introduction and guide than a full course,” as it says on the site. Use it to supplement your existing textbook.
4 The Math Forum @ Drexel
the Math Forum discovered a dormant project called “Ask Prof. Maths,” where K-12 students could send in math questions and get personal answers
5 Homepage of e-Calculus
As in one other site maintained by Prof D P Story that we’ve mentioned here, this one, too, is nothing site-wise: it’s a collection of PDFs.You’ll want to download them: they teach the subject well! Here’s an extract from somewhere near the beginning of the course
6 Euclid’s Elements
Euclid’s Elements is the most successful textbook ever written. It was one of the very first works to beprinted after the printing press was invented, and is second only to the Bible in number of editions published.
7 EqWorld
Equations, more equations, then some more equations thrown in for good measure—that’s what you’ll find at this site. Not for the faint of heart or head, and, indeed, probably useful only as a quick reference for solutions to various advanced (and some not-so-advanced) equations.
8 Algorithms And Complexity
A book for you to download—no more fumbling over what’s NP-Hard This is not a site; it’s just the download page for Algorithms and Complexity, by Herbert S Wilf. The “algorithms” part of the book is pretty standard, but we’re recommending the “complexity” part of the book. Still puzzled over what NP-completeness is? Still wondering what “NP-hard” means? Download this book!
9 Wolfram MathWorld
12,646 entries. The big daddy of all the maths sites there are on the Web,Wolfram MathWorld is your single stop for everything maths—with a caveat: you’ll sometimes need to wade through incomprehensible stuff to get to something simple enough for you to Ah, Eric Weisstein again!
10 Online Mathematics Textbooks
Hurry! “This site is far from comprehensive and I have considered abandoning it. Many people, however, still seem to find it useful
Posted by Rohit Lagu 1 comments
How To Dress for a Job Interview
The following list should give you a good idea of how to dress for a job interview :
Suit: A conservative, two-piece dark Grey or a dark blue business suit would be the ideal suit to wear on the day of your job interview.Shirt: A white, long-sleeved dress shirt that is neatly pressed and has a good fit is recommendable.
Tie: Go for a plain colored, non-distracting, conservative dark blue or dark red necktie made of 100% pure silk.
Tie accessories: A classic silver tie bar ensures that your tie is held in place during the interview. Without one, you often end up adjusting your tie several times during the interview, which will make you look nervous.
Shoes: Clean and polished conservative dress shoes, black lace-ups if possible, would be your best choice.
Socks: Dark socks, black if possible, would be ideally suited.
Belt: The belt should match the color of your shoes, so go with a black one if possible
Hair: Make sure that you get a well-groomed hairstyle before the interview. Be aware that short always fares best in interviews.
Beard: A beard needs to be shaved off.
Mustache: Mustaches are a possible negative, but if you must, then at least make sure it is neat and trimmed.
Fingernails: Ensure that they are clean and trimmed.
Rings: Wedding or college rings are generally acceptable but other rings are not.
Earrings & piercings: Both earrings and visible body piercings should be taken out on the day of the interview.
Body odor & fresh breath: Make sure that you do not smell badly and chew some gum before the interview, yet never during the interview.
Perfume & cologne: Keep perfume and cologne to a minimum.
Briefcase: Take along a briefcase with a notepad and a pen for any notes you may have to take during or after the interview.
Realizing that this list is quite exhaustive, I still think that you should try to make effort to ensure your job interview attire resembles the one above. Remember, it is almost always better to be higher than the standard than lower. In the end, you are interviewing for your future so every additional effort that sets you apart from your competitors will benefit you eventually.
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
Labels: aptitude question, HR, interview, job, resume
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Tt refers to a class of ultra-reliable medium and large-scale servers designed for enterprise-class and carrier-class operations.
The first mainframe vendors were Burroughs, Control Data, GE, Honeywell, IBM, NCR, RCA and Univac, otherwise known as "IBM and the Seven Dwarfs." After GE and RCA's computer divisions were absorbed by Honeywell and Univac respectively, the mainframers were known as "IBM and the BUNCH."
The Vendors
For decades, IBM has been the dominant vendor in the mainframe business. Although many tried to compete by offering IBM-compatible mainframes, only Amdahl (Fujitsu) has remained as a competitor in this arena (see IBM-compatible mainframe). Unisys, Sun and others also make mainframe-class machines that typically run under a version of Unix or Linux.
There Is a Difference
One might wonder why mainframes cost a million dollars or more when the raw gigahertz (GHz) rating of their CPUs is not any higher than a PC costing 1,000 times less. Quite often in fact, the ratings are lower. Here are the reasons.
Lots of Processors, Memory and Channels
Mainframes support symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) with several dozen central processors in one system. They are highly scalable. CPUs can be added to a system, and systems can be added in clusters. Built with multiple ports into high-speed caches and main memory, a mainframe can address thousands of gigabytes of RAM. They connect to high-speed disk subsystems that can hold terabytes of data.
Enormous Throughput
A mainframe provides exceptional throughput by offloading its input/output processing to a peripheral channel, which is a computer itself. Mainframes can support hundreds of channels, and additional processors may act as I/O traffic cops that handle exceptions (channel busy, channel failure, etc.).
All these subsystems handle the transaction overhead, freeing the CPU to do real "data processing" such as computing balances in customer records and subtracting amounts from inventories, the purpose of the computer in the first place.
Super Reliable
Mainframe operating systems are generally rock solid because a lot of circuitry is designed to detect and correct errors. Every subsystem may be conPublish Posttinuously monitored for potential failure, in some cases even triggering a list of parts to be replaced at the next scheduled maintenance. As a result, mainframes are incredibly reliable with mean time between failure (MTBF) up to 20 years!
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
/*this program is for access database with jdbc odbc driver database1
and database with 3 fields*/
import java.awt.*;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class db{
public static void main(String[] arguments) {
PreparedStatement ps;
ResultSet rs;
int id;
String s;
Connection conn;
Statement st;
String data = "jdbc:odbc:database1";
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(data, "", "");
System.out.print("\nConnection successful");
s= JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter ID : ");
String name= JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter NAME : ");
s= JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter MARK : ");
int mark=Integer.parseInt(s);
ps=conn.Statement("select * from sinfo where id = "+id);
rs=st.executeQuery("select * from sinfo where id = "+id);
System.out.print("\n\nID : "+rs.getString(1)+"\tName : "+rs.getString(2)+"\tMarks : "+rs.getString(3));
rs=st.executeQuery("insert into sinfo(id,name,mark) values ("+id+", '"+name+"', "+mark+")");
catch(Exception e)
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
Labels: javascript:void(0)
Friday, February 8, 2008
Chances are, if you've ever searched for anything on the Internet, you've discovered Google.com. Chances are also, once you've discovered Google.com, yours is one of over 150 million Internet searches that Google.com handles a day. With reliable and almost instantaneous results (the life span of a Google query normally lasts less than half a second), Google claims one of the widest audiences among Web sites, with 3 billion searchable documents and more than 21 million unique users per month. A dot-com company that made it, Google Inc. has not only survived, but is making a profit. Credit is given to top-rate technology, a rare sales model and an aggressive vision for what's ahead.
Google, Inc., the developer of the award-winning Google search engine, was conceived in 1995 by Stanford University computer science graduate students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Their meeting at a spring gathering of new Ph. D. computer science candidates launched a friendship and later a collaboration to find a unique approach to solving one of computing's biggest challenges: retrieving relevant information from a massive set of data.
By 1996 this collaboration had produced a search engine called BackRub, named for its unique ability to analyze the "back links" that point to a given Web site. Continuing to perfect the technology in 1998, Page and Brin built their own computer housing in Larry's dorm room, a business office in Sergey's room, and Google had a new home. The next step was to find potential partners who might want to license their search technology, a technology that worked better than any available at the time. Among the contacts was David Filo, a friend and Yahoo! founder. Filo encouraged the two to grow the service themselves by starting a search engine company.
The name "Google" was chosen from the word "googol," a mathematical term coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, for the number represented by 1 followed by 100 zeros. A googol, or google, represented a very large number and reflected the company's mission to organize the immense, seemingly infinite, amount of information available on the World Wide Web.
Unable to secure the financial support of the major portal players of the day, cofounders Page and Brin decided to make a go of it on their own. They wrote a business plan, put their graduate studies on hold, and searched for an investor. They first approached Andy Bechtolsheim, founder of Sun Microsystems, and friend of a Stanford faculty member. Impressed with their plans, Bechtolsheim wrote a check to Google Inc. for $100,000. The check, however, preceded the incorporation of the company, which followed in 1998.
Shortly after its incorporation, Google Inc. opened its new headquarters in the garage of a friend in Menlo Park, California. Their first employee was hired--Craig Silverstein, who later became Google's Director of Technology. By this time, Google .com was answering 10,000 search queries a day. Articles about the new Web site with relevant search results appeared in USA Today and Le Monde. In December, PC Magazine named Google to its list of Top 100 Web Sites and Search Engines for 1998.
With the number of queries growing to 500,000 a day, and the number of employees growing to eight, Google moved its offices to University Avenue in Palo Alto in February 1999. With interest in the company growing as well and Google's commitment to running its servers on the Linux open source operating system, Google signed on with RedHat, its first commercial customer.
By early June, Google had secured $25 million in equity funding from two leading venture capital firms in Silicon Valley: Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Buyers. Staff members from the two investors joined Google's board of directors. Joining as new employees were Omid Kordestani from Netscape, who became Google's Vice President of Business Development and Sales; and UC Santa Barbara's Urs Hölzle, who became Google's Vice President of Engineering. Having again outgrown their work space, the company moved to the Googleplex , their current headquarters in Mountain View, California.
Posted by Rohit Lagu 1 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
your address
Dept. Name
Company name
Dear Sir :
also i have sufficient knowledge of networking concepts & practical. I enjoy working in a high energy and high performance work environment. I have worked on and learned a great deal from several very interesting and complex commercial projects.I will be anxious to take on new challenges and build upon my knowledge base. I am excited by the prospect of working with an organization that is both an unquestioned leader in its programming niche and an enthusiastic risk taker in an entirely new frontier.
yours sincerely
your name
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
Saturday, February 2, 2008
When you apply for a job, your prospective employer needs to assess whether you can do that job. If a skill or job experience is required, it is relatively easy to measure your knowledge in the field. However,in the case of entry-level jobs, where the employer will TRAIN you to do the job at some future time, the employer cannot ask you questions about your job knowledge.
Some of you may have been away from the classroom environment for awhile and may feel a little rusty when asked to take a paper-and-pencil test. Some of you may get anxious at the thought of taking a test.This booklet is designed to make you more comfortable with the standardized testing format and strategies for taking a test. There are also several additional references listed at the end of this booklet which may be helpful.
1. Concentrate and try your best.
It is perfectly normal to feel a little nervous. Focus your concentration and energy on the test.
2. Budget your time.
Work at a steady pace where you do not sacrifice accuracy. Skip the time-consuming or hard questions.You can go back to them at the end. Keep an eye on the time to pace yourself. The goal is to answer as many questions as time allows. If you have extra time at the end, take advantage of it: check your answers, erase stray marks, make sure your handwriting is legible, and for multiple choice questions,make sure the circles are filled in completely.
3. Listen to the proctor.
The proctor is reading instructions to you that will help you on your test. Listen carefully. If you don’t understand the instructions or the sample items being reviewed, ask questions. This is your opportunity to ask. Do you understand what is expected of you in each section? Be aware that directions may change for each part. Do you know how to mark your answers? Did you write your name and social security number? There may be multiple sections in this test. Are you recording your answers in the correct section and for the appropriate items, i.e., question 1. With answer 1., etc.? Start and stop as instructed; otherwise, you will be disqualified.
4. Read the test questions carefully.
You can avoid careless mistakes by reading each question carefully. Choose the best or most correct answer. Even if one answer seems obvious, take a look at the other answers to be sure that your first choice is the best one.
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
Labels: aptitude question, HR
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
HR Interview is very important in getting a job, this page will guide you in getting sure success.
HR Interview Advice - Interview the InterviewerOkay, so you have managed to hold your nerves in control and brave the questions of the HR. You are now at the end of your interview session. What next? The answer is, there are a few more steps to go.
Interview Questions and AnswersHere are some very popular interview questions and some possible ways to answer them. Please remember that there cannot be just one answer to them. Your answers depend a lot on your particular circumstances. For instance, if the interviewer asks you to describe a challenging issue you had to face, your answer would depend on your particular background and experience. Therefore we have attempted to give you strategies to answer such questions, rather than specific answers.
Common Interview Questions an Their Answers.
The first step for successful interviews is to remember how you feel. Yes, it is your nth interview and yet you are as nervous as if it were your first time. Remember, there is nothing wrong with this. Everyone, well almost everyone, feels nervous on interviews. Simply allow this state to be- do not fight it. You will have far more presence of mind if you don’t fight your nervousness. Also try to remember that it is difficult for the interviewer too.
What would you rate as your greatest weaknesses?
This is a tricky question. Be mindful of what you say. If you admit to a genuine weakness, you will be respected for your honesty, but your resume will end up in the dustbin after the interview!
Don’t you think you are overqualified for this job?
Here the interviewer may be worried that you will leave the job once you find something that matches your qualification level. This may sound like an objection, but it doesn’t mean that the employer has no interest in you. The employer is trying to gauge how you see the situation- whether you can see advantages to both sides. You obviously have to also show how you stand benefited- otherwise it will appear that this job is only a stop-gap arrangement for you till you find something better.
How would you honestly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your previous/current company/boss/team?
This question is nothing but a trap. The interviewer is the least interested in the company/boss/team. They are simply checking how you deal with a situation like this. You might be really tempted to unburden your soul- but don’t. Do not stonewall from the question, but emphasize the good points.
Situation: Your competitor presses you to reveal some confidential information about your current or previous employer.
This looks like a no-win situation- traps both ways. You tell them all, and they judge you as untrustworthy. You refuse to reveal the information they are seeking, the interviewer might be displeased with you. They might think that you are stubborn or suspicious.
I think you should be earning more money at this point of your career. Why isn’t it happening?
Beware of giving a defensive answer that suggests that money is not very important to you- the company might use it as a trap while negotiating your salary. However your answer should explain why you are earning something below the industry standards.
If you came on board with us, what changes would you make in the system?
This seemingly innocent question has many landmines hidden in it. You might be very close to being hired, but a wrong approach this one question can sabotage everything. You may be very bright, but no one can really understand what needs to be done unless they settle in the position and understand the strengths and weaknesses from within. So beware of jumping at this question if you don’t want to come across as someone who shoots from the hips.
I find that you have changed jobs many times so far. Why is it so?
The concerns behind this question are quite obvious. The interviewer is worried that you may leave the job too soon, the way you have done with others. This might also indicate that you are a well qualified but problematic person who can’t get along with other people.
You have been working with this current firm for a long time. Don’t you think it would be difficult now to switch over to a new company?
The interviewer is worried that you would find it difficult to adapt to new ways of working. The best way to tackle this is to show how you have had many changing scenarios within your current firm and how you have adapted to them and grown with them. You can demonstrate the different responsibilities you have held and the changing situations you have conquered. This way you have learnt to adapt quickly to whatever comes your way and even thrive on the challenge.
How many hours a day/a week do you work?
Avoid being too specific on this answer. If you give a low figure, the company will view it as inadequate. If you commit to too many hours, you will feel guilty for not being able to keep up.
We would like to hear about your goals.
It reflects poorly on you not to have any goals or have only generalities. Remember that those people who are in a position to hire you have reached there most probably because of their goal setting habits. They would want to hire people who are like them. Thus being non specific about your career/ personal goals could act as a big turn off.
When you look back on the position you held last, do you think you have done your best in it?
If you say that you did, it could mean that your best is already behind you. If you say ‘no’, the interviewer takes it to mean that you don’t give your all to the work at hand. You should therefore indicate that you always put in your best efforts. Also show that this time of your career (it includes both your previous work and the current moment) is your peak phase for several reasons. Support your statement with instances and reasons from recent developments in your career.
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
Labels: aptitude question, campus, freshers, HR, interview
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Hey friends, are you searching for placement papers?????? So stop serching. Here you will get placement papers of all companies. So check the links. Best of Luck!!!
Here are the websites for placement papers:
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments
The Internet brings the world to your desktop, no doubt. Butthat world also includes a sub-world of spyware, worms, phish-ing attacks, and more.The most common of online irritants is spam e-mail. Spam is simply unsolicited email that urge you to buy herbal concoc-tions to enlarge certain body parts, promise youthfulness via apill, say that you’ve won a Rolex watch, and so on. These mails invariably contain a link to a supposed online store that will askyou for a credit card number for an online payment.
It is diffi-cult to believe how someone can fall for a trick like this, butapparently, there are a few innocent people out there who gettricked into buying a “herbal” cure or a “collector’s watch.”Needless to say, you need to just delete these mails.The other common annoyance, which can also bring downyour PC, is spyware / adware. The source of these is most usual-ly pornographic sites or those with cracks for software. Thesesites can also be the very links you get in spam mail. Once theyget installed, they are able to send a list of the Web sites yousurf, and even your e-mail address. Based on your surfing habits,spam is sent to your email ID, advertising products or servicesthat would ostensibly be of interest to you.
An adware program will open browser windows all by itselfand direct you to Web sites selling products of the same nature.Some of them are so designed that if you close the window thatthey bring up, they will open two or more instantly!If you receive a suspicious looking file in an e-mail (some-thing like “annakournikova nude playing tennis.avi.scr”) evenfrom a known source, do not download the file. It is likely thata virus has hacked into the sender’s e-mail client (or even dis-guised the sending address as something else—yes, that’s possi-ble too) and is sending out spam or offensive mails.
The affected person may not even know that spam mails from his ID arebeing sent. You can be a good friend and call him up to let himknow of this so he can take curative measures.Some sites even make use of the fact that people occasional-ly make typographical errors! A recent example ishttp://www.ork0t.com/ (now taken down), which you could have visitedif you typed what you thought was “www.orkut.com” and madea typo. When one entered one’s user ID and password into thatsite, it would be used to hack into your account and send outspam to all your contacts! Phishing is a threat that can potentially rob you of yourmoney. It’s a means of fooling you into disclosing your logindetails of any site / service. If you are using an e-banking service,be very careful of mails that you may receive claiming to befrom your bank, asking you to fill in your login details.
As a pol-icy, most banks do not send out e-mails asking you to fill in anye-banking details. If you do receive such a mail, it is fake. Beforeyou fill out any details on a site following a link sent via e-mail,do confirm with your bank’s customer care if they have indeedsent out such a mail. Visit only your bank’s official site for alltransactions.
Posted by Rohit Lagu 0 comments